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San Jose Homely Time

Keeping the beautiful flowers on the passenger seat,

Knowing they had great shoes to fill;

Only a sliver of how beautiful you'd look,

Next to me on our way through Californian hills;


Having exquisite japanese at Nobu,

falling asleep at drive-in theaters with you;

There seems to be love in everything we do,

And of course the first H in my life is from you!


Fancy dinners, funny moments and awesome gifts aside,

My anticipation peaked for our quiet home-y time;

So many things we did and so many yet to do,

arguments and disagreements are a part of it too!


Semi-sleepy morning walks with you,

turn out the be the best way to start the day;

And snuggling up with my sweet little bunny,

offer the best way to hit the hay.


A missed flight and a short beach walk later,

I’m even more convinced of how much I mean to her;

A bit teary eyed I tell SP,

She’s the best thing that’s happened to me;


Gleefully giddy for what’s in store,

I crave time with you even more,

Everytime i see you hun,

I think our forever has only just begun...

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