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London Dreams

The weeks that precede,

were not as clean and neat;

Yet when I think of how I was feeling,

I had been constantly dreaming,

Of holding your hand and walking,

down the cobbled streets just talking;

About all the things big and small,

for each other we continue to fall;


The only thing better than the dream,

was actually the real thing;

From the moment I saw you in that airport,

Our cute train journey to the river port;

Things that would be otherwise mundane,

holding hands, walking through the street in gentle rain;

taking a ride in a bus,

getting cozy on the balcony the both of us;


Eating dumplings with my lovely dumpling,

Watching quintessential romcoms and sleeping in;

Enjoying the city views so beautiful,

Yet my eyes stay fixed to the view next to me,

every second goes by and you seem even more dreamy;

I guess I just wanted to say, my pretty little Bea,

thank you for making my dreams a reality;

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